First of all, let me extend to you and your family the very best wishes for the Holiday Season. May your
days be merry and bright!
In this issue of our e-newsletter, we take a moment to look back on a year that has been one of the most
consequential in the Sharonville Convention Center’s history. Our second expansion in 10 years – which
saw the introduction of entirely new food and beverage concepts in addition to adding 40,000 square feet
of meeting space – has been remarkably well received. And it positions us for continued success in years
to come.
We welcomed many new customers this year, who we expect to turn into long-term partners. And we
hosted all the old favorites – some of which had their best events on record. The Center would like to
thank all of these events and their attendees for making 2024 our strongest year on record.
None of this would have been possible without the continued support of our Hamilton County
Commissioners – Alicia Reece, Denise Driehaus and Stephanie Summerow Dumas.
Here’s to a great 2025!